Working through isolation during COVID-19!

Following on from my previous article, I thought I would write a follow up article about how I worked through feeling lonely, isolated & frustrated during COVID-19.

Throughout our day to day lives many of us experience ups and downs and I believe, as a male, we struggle to talk about our emotions and feelings.



I recently experienced this and found some coping mechanisms that helped me find a better place to be in both spiritually and physically.


Spending time with family definitely helped me find my feet again.

Taking an annual leave day to spend time with my cousins, watching them run around, enjoying life and being so carefree. Something I took for granted brought back so many fond memories, and reminded me that no matter how bad your day is, there is always someone there for you, no matter what their age!


Exercising enabled my mind to escape.

Going out for a run, releasing all my thoughts and listening to music is something that I now do regularly. I’m enjoying the routine and having a bit of normality back in my life which is something I lacked whilst working from home in isolation. 


Talking to Work Colleagues

As some of you may know, Barclay Pearce Capital decided to open our office which really helped me get back to some ‘type of normal’.

My work colleagues and mentors have played a big role in helping me through the COVID-19 isolation period. Being able to chat with them about how I was feeling and having their support, I now know they are so much more than just work colleagues, they are my second family, and that is something I encourage you to build in your own workplace.

This journey has made me realise that no matter what, you are never alone, there is always someone there for you and even if you can’t see it at the moment, there is light at the end of every tunnel!

Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my co-workers and colleagues who have helped me through these unprecedented times.

A quick read from the University of Melbourne showed me a few strategies that helped me deal with working in isolation.

If you need help contact:

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